Welcome to my carrd. ♡

Name: Ivy
Age: 22
Birthday: April 12, 1999
Pronouns: She/Her
Country: Croatia
Race: white
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Ascendant Sign: Capricorn
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship status: single af
Hogwarts house: hufflepuff

Favorite Number: 9
Favorite Group: BTS
Favorite Song/s: So Far Away, Sea, Blue & Grey, Fake Love, Epiphany, Stay, Dis-ease, Answer: Love Myself, and many many more...
Favorite TV Show: Lucifer
Favorite Season: Spring
Favorite Zodiac Sign/s: Sagittarius, Pisces, Aries.
Favorite Color/s: Purple, Black, Pink, Turquoise.
Favorite things to do: Singing, Writing, Watching tv shows, watching bts content

Other groups and artists I love/listen to: TWICE, txt, halsey, selena gomez, pvris, of monsters and men, taylor swift, twenty one pilots, rihanna, etc.
My bias and bias wrecker: Taehyung and Hobi
I dislike/hate: ignorant people, bullies, antis, wars, school system, my mental health, bugs, slow walking, speaking in public, etc.
I am very very anxious.

if you are not here, you can always be added, we can always talk and interact more, im always here. these are people i interact and talk mostly with, and i hope i didn't forget anyone , i love you all, a lot. 💜

megan, mia, tijana, anida, tamara, sonja, lori, kaja, sas, oxy, roke, saumya, gee, sun, rozie, nas, binky, nina, calie, emi, dani, kim, ivana, gloria, noreen, nicolle, dora.

do not follow if:
you're homophobic/transphobic
you hate on religions
you're racist
you're bts anti
you're a solo stan/ot6,ot4 and other
you're a ship stan
you're younger than 13/14

important stuff for me

important dates:
march 27, 2020
july 13, 2020
may 3, 2020

important quotes:
"Please use me. Please use BTS to love yourself."
“Your presence can give happiness. I hope you remember that.”
"Remember there's a person here in Korea, in the city of Seoul, who understands you"
"Those who don't have a dream, it's okay, it's okay if you don't have a dream. You just have to be happy."
"I have a big heart full of love, so please take it all."
"Without anger or sadness, you won’t be able to feel true happiness."
"You are the leader of your own life."

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